Pre and post-operative rehabilitation

Your Surgeon may refer you to a physiotherapist prior to surgery. The aim of this is to explain the treatment process that occurs post-surgery as well as discuss the post-surgical precautions and/or restrictions.


Each person is an individual with their own specific needs and thus will be treated as such, though you can expect some of the following activities during your pre-surgical session:


• teaching you how to safely get in and out of a bed or chair

• how to use an assistive device, such as a walker or crutches

• teaching you exercises as part of your Home Exercise Program to maximize your range of motion and strengthen your muscles before and after surgery

• performing respiratory (lung) physiotherapy (when necessary)

Our main goal during post-surgical rehabilitation is to return you to your previous level of function, whether it may be returning to work, competitive sports and recreational activities. We provide one-on-one sessions to closely monitor your improvement and advance you according to each individual’s progress as well as your Surgeon’s recommendations.


We as physiotherapists encourage active participation post-surgery as it is a critical part of your recovery process.  During your post-surgical physiotherapy session, your therapist will work with you to establish your goals for therapy. A Home Exercise Program will be prescribed to you and should be continued once you return home. Precautions and recommendations will also be discussed, such as the importance of icing after surgery.


No.5 | 1st Avenue Walmer | Port Elizabeth

C: 073 180 4427

T: 041 581 1091




No.5 | 1st Avenue Walmer | Port Elizabeth